
Chris Reddick Financial Planning (CRFP) offers Kick Start, Premium, Platinum, and Hourly Financial Planning.

  • Plans are more affordable than what a typical financial planner charges.
  • All plans start with a free, initial 30-minute conversation to discuss your needs.
  • Clients can meet in person or virtually. Schedule an appointment today!

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  • Kick Start Plan
  • It covers 1-2 areas of Financial Planning and costs $500; advanced financial plans cost more
  • Ideal for those new to financial planning or only want specific problems to be solved in one meeting
  • A Basic Financial Plan and a 1-hour meeting with recommendations
  • Examples of topics include investment portfolio review, retirement readiness, Roth conversions, backdoor Roth, Social Security Optimization, budgeting, tax planning, employee equity, and more
  • Learn More
  • Premium Plan
  • A Financial Plan and ongoing Financial Planning throughout the year
  • Covering investments, retirement planning, pension plans, Roth conversions, backdoor Roth, Social Security Optimization, budgeting, insurance, estate planning, business planning, employee benefits, stock options, college funding, student loans, and much more
  • Unlimited financial guidance, including all meetings, emails, and calls
  • Monthly subscription payments at $125 per month
  • Learn More
  • Platinum Plan
  • A Financial Plan and ongoing Financial Planning throughout the year
  • Plus
  • Accountability partner, small business and self-employed coaching, help with implementation and monitoring, tax planning, full income tax review before filing, step-by-step guidance on recommendations
  • Unlimited financial guidance, including all meetings, emails, and calls
  • Monthly subscription payments at $175 per month
  • Learn More
  • Hourly Planning
  • Book an hour and Ask Me Anything about your finances
  • Advice and Fee-Only, no sales commissions or products to sell, just straight advice!
  • Possible topics: investment portfolio review, retirement review, tax review, Social Security optimization, retirement accounts (401k, 403b, IRA, TSP, etc.), employee equity (ISOs, RSUs, ESPP), backdoor Roth, mega backdoor Roth, college savings, pension review (including TRS), GPO, WEP, employee benefits, student loans, and more
  • Payment is made in advance and costs $150 / one hour
  • Book Now


Comparison of Plans

  Kick Start Plan Premium Plan Platinum Plan
Covers 1-2 areas of financial planning All areas of financial planning All areas of financial planning
Financial Plan Yes Yes Yes
Investment Advice Yes Yes Yes
Tax Planning & Review No No Yes
Ideal for Problem Solver DIYer Complexity
How many meeting(s) One meeting Quarterly Bimonthly
Cost $500 one-time fee $125 per month $175 per month
Onboarding Fee No No No
Payments Made In advance (before the meeting) In advance (each month) In advance (each month)